a man standing on a rocky outcrop at sunset

Who changed Sabbath to Sunday?

Who changed Sabbath to Sunday?

The first day of the week—Sunday—is mentioned infrequently in the Bible. Nowhere does it suggest that Sunday was to be recognised as a day of rest or worship. The Bible offers not a single instance of Sunday observance. However, over a period of some centuries, Sunday-keeping became established. Some religious leaders embraced Sunday as a means of distancing themselves from the Jewish people (who were being persecuted), while pagans in the Roman Empire recognised Sunday in honour of the sun god. In AD321 Roman Emperor Constantine passed the first law elevating Sunday above the Bible Sabbath. Several years later, the church issued a decree honouring Sunday over the Sabbath of the Bible. Pagans and Christians were now united in recognising Sunday—the day of the sun—as being the day of weekly religious significance. However, it should be noted that this change has no foundation in the Bible.

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